With increasing penetration of smartphones, mobile browsing and BYOD trends, there is tremendous benefits to offer native mobile and tablet apps not only for consumers but also Enterprise Users. Enterprises across the globe are realizing that the audience for their business applications have shifted in massive numbers from the use of traditional desktops and laptops to mobile devices, smartphones and tablets. Users are demanding enterprise apps to work with the same rich user engagement experience as popular B2C mobile apps, thus giving them the power to access information instantaneously on their mobile devices and on-the-go.
Native mobile applications provide the best usability, the best features, and the best overall mobile experience. Native Apps make full use of the features and functions available with the device.

Sysfore designs and builds custom native mobile applications on the Android and iOS mobile platforms for customers.
Native Mobile App Development
Sysfore has a team of skilled mobile app developers, offering full service design and development of iPhone, iPad, and Android apps. Whether it's a business application, an innovative new concept or even a 2D game, we have the expertise to cost effectively build your app.
Native apps are developed on platform specific integrated development environments (IDE). We use Xcode and Objective-C with iOS and Eclipse and Java with Android.
Our app development capabilities include:
- Paid Apps with In App purchases functionality and Ad Based Apps
- Development of Server components
- Native Apps that exploit device capabilities like Camera, Calendar, Contacts, Location, etc.
- Apps that integrate with Facebook and Twitter
We specialize in iOS and Android application development for enterprise (B2E), B2B and B2C needs. Enterprise business applications would be like field support apps, sales force automation, productivity apps, etc. We also develop custom B2C apps for customer engagement.
Our team capabilities include development on iOS and Android platforms, mobile UI interface design, server side development, deployment and distribution on app stores and continued maintenance and upkeep.
Hybrid mobile apps are essentially responsive web apps that are primarily built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, and is wrapped in a thin native container in a manner that provides access to some of the native platform features. Phonegap is popular container/framework for building such apps.

Native mobile applications provide the best usability, the best features, and the best overall mobile experience.

There are ample benefits in developing native mobile apps instead of responsive web apps to serve your mobile customer's needs. The cost-benefit trade-off will depend largely on your specific market situation because developing native apps are costlier and more laborious than making do with a responsive mobile web application.
- Richer user experience, and being able to use the multi touch features of the device
- Built-in Components, allows the capability to use device functions to full extent; like the GPS based location services, Camera, Bluetooth, Address Book, Calendar, Storage etc.
- Ability to work in off line mode with full functionality.
- Speed, with a fast graphics API and high end processors, can load data intensive screens and refreshes instantly
- Ease of use, because customers are already familiar with device features and usability
Hybrid mobile apps are easier to develop and also less costlier and less time consuming to deliver on. This because much of the development is using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Hybrid Mobile Apps can use some of the features of the device, but is limited to the support for HTML5 features and attributes the device browser supports.
We work on the latest technologies, complemented by a select set of smart, productivity enhancing platforms and tools
We currently have native mobile application development capabilities on the Android and iOS platforms. Our skillets for Android development include Java, Android XML, Android SDK, and using the Eclipse IDE. For development on the iOS platform, our skillets include Objective-C, Xcode and the iOS SDK.
For development of Hybrid Mobile Apps we use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and any number of libraries and front-end development frameworks like Bootstrap etc. For wrapping in native containers we use Phonegap or other platforms as suitable to the specific customer need.
When choosing between having to develop a Native Mobile Application vs a Hybrid or Mobile-friendly Web App, there are several factors that come in to play, depending on a customer's specific needs. There are benefits and constraints with choice of either, and the applicability of each will have to be weighed against the customer's requirements.
From a technology choice point of view, the choice for going with Native Apps help in situations where:
- Rich user experience and performance is key
- Monetization Model is robust and simple
- Need for capability to work offline
- Need to use full extent of device features
- Quick time-to-market and expense budgets are more liberal
On the other hand, the choice of going with HTML5 based Web apps will help in situations where:
- Economy is achieved in cross-platform development and deployment costs
- Immediate updates and distribution control is independent of platform's owners
- Relatively easier access to programming expertise, even if required to maintain and enhance with in-house team
- Need solutions that are more future-proof, to an extent, as is dependent on browser support
- Have more urgent needs for time-to-market and more conservative expense budgets

An outline of our production process

- Requirements Consultation & Scoping - understand needs, audience, environment, and define features, UI specs and scope.
- Project Commercials Finalization - Project Cost & Time Proposal, Contract Sign-offs.
- Wireframing / Prototyping - app features and functionality translated into a user interface architecture, non-functional prototype.
- UI Finalization - finalize visual design and UI elements and style.
- Development - development of full functionality
- Testing & QA - an over-the-air-distribution tool, send out builds to customer for periodic review / acceptance testing. Customer registers their device and installs latest build when we release. Is same as downloading from Apple App store or Google Play Store.
- Release & Distribution - We facilitate the release of the application and provide subsequent updates if subscribed to a Maintenance Plan.
Contact Us
We want to hear from you. Contact us today to learn more about Native Mobile Apps.