Business Benefits of Azure Site Recovery

Simple, Automated Protection
Protect your environment by automating the replication of the VMs based on the policies you set & control. Co-ordinate and manage the ongoing replication of data by integrating with existing technologies such as Hyper-V Replica, System Center & SQL Server. Protect your VMware VMs and physical servers using Azure as your recovery site. Integrate with SAN replication options from storage vendors such as NetApp, HP, and EMC to help further simplify and improve your DR protection.

Replication and recovery to Azure
Simplify your disaster recovery protection by replicating to Azure. Added benefits from the simplicity, automation, customizable recovery plans, health monitoring, and orchestrated recovery the service provides. Azure can be your disaster recovery site to lower your costs for establishing and maintaining a secondary site for disaster recovery.

Continuous Health Monitoring
Monitor the state of your protected instances continuously and remotely from Azure. When replicating between two sites you control, your virtual machines' data and replication remains on your networks. When replicating to Azure as the secondary site, your data is encrypted and you can also select encryption for data at-rest.

Orchestrated Recovery
The service helps automate the orderly recovery of services in the event of a site outage at the primary datacenter. Virtual machines can be orchestrated to help restore service quickly, even for complex multi-tier workloads. Recovery plans are simple to create through the Azure management portal, where they are stored. The plans can be as simple or as advanced as your business requirements demand and can be tested whenever you like without disrupting the services at your prim
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